Do you know how large your area rug needs to be? Do you know how to properly place it in a room? There are some basic rules that make the placement easy, but are very important.
Here is a perfect example of the proper placement of the rug. It is under the front legs of the sofa and the swivel recliner on the right is also partially on the rug. If your furniture is floating and not touching the area rug it looks like the area isn’t connected. That is why you need to know your furniture placement before ordering a rug. You need one large enough to unite the area.

Here is an example of the floating furniture look. If the rug was larger the room would feel more complete. Measure the length of each sofa and buy a rug that is a little wider and long enough to reach under each sofa. It will protect the floor and will be more comfortable under foot as well as look better.

Here is an interesting room but as you can see the chairs are off the rug. This little detail leaves the bare wood showing when scooting the chairs forward a little or moving a rug towards the fireplace would address this h

Here is a family room with a new sectional replacing the darker sofa. The angle adds interest, but because the of the angle, the rug must be long enough to reach under the rest of the legs across the front which are about a foot deeper. The details make such a difference in planning a room!

These are simple steps, but important ones when designing a room. Keep in mind the measurements of your furniture, as well the placement to make sure you don’t make a mistake! If you need help contact Nelson Designs at 316-613-3450 to find the perfect area rug!