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Oh What a Year!

It has been one year since we moved our store to the new location at The Waterfront in Wichita. Oh, what a year it has been! We have been so fortunate to meet many new clients and help so many people find there perfect room combinations.

Our wonderful clients from all the years past followed us to our new showroom and often say how much they really like it. I think the room set ups allow the furniture to show off better and the color schemes flow better. It really helps our clients visualize their rooms once they see ours here.

I have to share a couple of funny stories from the last year. The first week we opened here I received a call from a client saying they were moving. They wanted me to look at the new home and help decide what pieces would work in the new home and which needed to be replaced. Not a problem! I knew their house inside out from our projects there, but I revisited it to see all the furniture.

The very next day a client came in and said they bought a different house and also needed help in deciding what would work and what wouldn’t. I asked if she had pictures of the new house, she did, and it was the one I had just visited the day before! Talk about a small world!

These two lovely families had us design their new homes simultaneously and it was so much fun. We had lots of laughs while finding the perfect pieces for their homes. The teasing, laughing and harassing made these projects some that will always be remembered.

Another wonderful client bought a house that needed a major remodel. We worked through every single detail, tile, shower design, countertops, sinks, faucets and mirrors to make these bathrooms look fabulous. This gentleman has become family and drops in just to say “hi” and harass us. Every room in the house reflects his great style and again it was so much fun!

The wonderful relationships we have with our clients makes it all worth while. All the hours we spend looking for the perfect piece of furniture in the right color and dimensions and drawing out each room to scale, placing all the pieces and showing all the options is very time consuming, but it is worth it when the furniture is delivered the art hung and the client is so happy.

If you need a remodel, or an update, come in, look around and get to know us. Our team has many, many years of experience in furniture, fabrics, rugs, art, accessories and Hunter Douglas.

The biggest compliment is when we are asked to help with a second, third or fourth home for a client. We know we are successful when clients come back to us time and time again. Come in and get to know us!


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